No Terror Link to Cell Phone Hoarding
The FBI says that they have been unable to show any connection between three men arrested in Michigan with about 1,000 cell phones in their van and any known terrorist groups. In a different case in Ohio, the prosecutor says he is unable to prove a terrorist connection to two men arrested after buying a large number of phones.The Detroit Free Press has a story about how reselling cell phones is a big business.
From Dearborn to Troy to Sterling Heights, Arab Americans are a major part of the cell phone business in southeastern Michigan. At least half of the cell phone businesses in the region are owned by metro Detroiters of Arab or Chaldean descent, say business owners in the industry. Many new immigrants or emerging businessmen earn money by buying the cell phones and then selling them to gas stations, distributors or stores.
It's called capitalism, Arab Americans say.
via BoingBoing
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