Monday, November 28, 2005

Bob Woodward is a Clown

This year, I lost any respect I may have had for the N.Y. Times for allowing Ms. Miller to play her games. Early this month, I lost any remaining interest in the L.A. Times when it fired Bob Scheer and (politically opposite) Michael Ramirez, among others.

Now I've lost any lingering appreciation I may have had for the Washington Post, for not firing Bob Woodward with gusto. As with the NYT case, Bob and the Post are doing all they can to convince us that their job is to keep information secret, especially from their readers. As I see it, that's a job for the CIA, not so-called journalists.

Today we read that, even though Mr. Woodward has given interviews with Larry King and the Village Voice, he refuses to be interviewed by the Post. That's right, he won't talk to his own paper, even while allowing interviews by competitors! How does he keep his job? A better question is asking why anybody will bother to buy that paper any more.


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