General Pace, Homophobe
General Peter Pace, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, thinks
homosexuals are immoral and probably shouldn't be in the military. When asked, his staff said he was expressing his personal opinion and
has no intention of apologizing.
"I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts," Pace was quoted as saying in the newspaper interview. "I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way."
"As an individual, I would not want (acceptance of gay behavior) to be our policy, just like I would not want it to be our policy that if we were to find out that so-and-so was sleeping with somebody else's wife, that we would just look the other way, which we do not. We prosecute that kind of immoral behavior," he said.
Homophobe? HA! I seriously doubt a US Marine general is afraid of anyone -- especially homosexuals.
The facts are:
An AOL News poll showed nearly 240,000 votes as of 1:00pm EDT. The margin is two to one in favor of SUPPORT for General Pace's comments regarding gays in the military.
How do you feel about Pace's comments?
Agree 65% (more than 156,000)
Disagree 33%
Not sure 3%
Total Votes: 238,800
I applaud General Peter Pace for taking the correct stand on this matter. His comments are right on target. There is NO REASON for him to apologize to anyone. His personal beliefs are his own and NO ONE need apologize for their personal beliefs. While I agree that he should be loving and respectful in his statements and (more importantly) actions, being forced to accept and celebrate the choice of homosexual behavior is NOT something anyone should be confronted with -- military or civilian.
These gay advocacy groups need to sit down and shut up! There is NOTHING "outrageous" or "insensitive" in what General Pace said in the interview. I listened to part of his comments. He was soft-spoken and respectful, but also firm in his resolve. Pace answered one question with a very straightforward and truthful answer, "The US Military’s mission fundamentally rests on the trust, confidence, cooperation amongst its members, and the homosexual lifestyle does not comport with that kind of trust and confidence and therefore is not supported within the US military. I’ll leave it at that."
Homosexuality *is* an immoral act. It is NOT natural, normal or moral. The lifestyle choice is rife with promiscuity, predatorship and infidelity -- all matters that point to trust, confidence and cooperation. General Pace should be applauded for standing his ground and speaking the truth.
I, personally, plan to be active in the fight against these homosexual advocacy groups as they seek to villainize General Pace. Here's hoping you will join the fight as well. It's high time conservatives (especially Christians) stand up for our beliefs and convictions.
You're funny. The U.S. is a republic, where the liberty of an individual trumps the popularity polls. Just because the majority of Americans believe in UFOs doesn't mean we're going to be visited by Little Green Men anytime soon. Likewise, just because a majority of AOL users agree with General Pace doesn't mean he's right.
Homosexuals have served in the military since the beginning of time. To say the "homosexual lifestyle does not comport with that kind of trust and confidence" shows an ignorance of that history. It also belittles the contributions and dedication of those military members who served their country with distinction, and who also happen to be gay.
In fact, studies during World War Two, mentioned in Allan Berube's 1990 book "Coming out under Fire", and referenced by Dr. Gregory Herek,support this position.
.... Sometimes to their amazement, [researchers] described what they called the "well-adjusted homosexuals" who, in [William] Menninger's words, "concealed their homosexuality effectively and, at the same time, made creditable records for themselves in the service." Some researchers spoke in glowing terms of these men. "The homosexuals observed in the service," noted Navy doctors Greenspan and Campbell, "have been key men in responsible positions whose loss [by discharge] was acutely felt in their respective departments." They were "conscientious, reliable, well-integrated and abounding in emotional feeling and sincerity." In general, "the homosexual leads a useful productive life, conforming with all dictates of the community, except its sexual requirements" and was "neither a burden nor a detriment to society." Fry and Rostow reported that, based on evidence in service records, homosexuals were no better or worse than other soldiers and that many "performed well in various military jobs" including combat
The myth that the U.S. is a Christian nation is one that has been used throughout the country's history to oppress minorities, children, women, the handicapped, and yes, homosexuals.
Jesus said, "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." What he didn't say, as far as I know, is that homosexuals are to be shunned by society. And I certainly wouldn't be the first to point out that gay bashing is unchristian.
So yes, I will join Christians in their pursuit of more tolerance and understanding. And I will support lawmakers and citizens in their drive toward liberty and freedom for all Americans.
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