TSA: No Freedom of Speech at Airports
BoingBoing, and even
Wonkette have stories about Ryan Bird, who was detained at the Milwaukee airport by TSA officials
because he had written "Kip Hawley is an idiot" with a marker on a clear plastic bag containing toiletries. According to the story, Mr. Bird was told he had no freedom of speech rights. The TSA agent reportedly called local law enforcement, who ran background checks while Mr. Bird was detained.
He grabbed the baggie as it came out of the X-ray and asked if it was mine. After responding yes, he pointed at my comment and demanded to know "What is this supposed to mean?" "It could me a lot of things, it happens to be an opinion on mine." "You can't write things like this" he said, "You mean my First Amendment right to freedom of speech doesn't apply here?" "Out there (pointing pass the id checkers) not while in here (pointing down) was his response."
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