Thursday, June 16, 2005

How Long Do the "Last Throes" Last

At today's press briefing ABC correspondent Terry Moran asked White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan "Scott, is the insurgency in Iraq in its 'last throes'?"

The press Secretary's answer repeatedly mentions the "desperation of terrorists and their tactics", but he was unwilling or unable to answer the question directly, even when rephrased as "Well, I'm just wondering what the metric is for measuring the defeat of the insurgency." To answer that question, the Press Secretary suggested the reporter should "go back and look at the Vice President's remarks".

Late last month Vice President Dick Cheney told Larry King "I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency."

So apparently these last throes may last for a very long time, at least if Mr. McClellan's answers are any clue.


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