Thursday, August 26, 2004

Judge Alan C. Todd, "Disgrace to Society"

The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commision has found Judge Alan C. Todd to be unfit "to hold the office of judge" because of numerous, extremely offensive remarks he has made in court, including calling a deputy sheriff who is a single mother a "disgrace to society", saying the child was a "bastard" and would grow up to become a "loser". This pathetic small-minded man repeatedly made racist, sexist and generally idiotic statements including such comments as Baptists "think there is no sin in the world and have no morals". The judge has 20 days to appeal the decision.


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its About Time
This is rare that these people police and punish there counterparts
Judges should not be beyoud reproch This judge was an a hole
It would be intresting to see what is going on in his personal life.
Any secrets any wierd desires etc


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