Thursday, June 17, 2004

L.A. Says "Oops!" to DNC Protestors

The City of Los Angeles has agreed to pay an additional $1.2 million to 91 people who were fired upon by police during the 2000 Democratic Convention at the Staples Center. While lead attorney James Muller says he hopes police "will take this case as a lesson that they cannot intimidate and injure people who are exercising their First Amendment rights", I can't help but think the cops did intimidate and injure people, many of whom weren't even protesting (as if that should make a difference). Did any of the cops go to jail? Were any of them even fired? What safeguards are in place to prevent authorities from doing this again (and just paying another fine)? Paying a few bucks four years after the fact doesn't undo the incredible chilling effect that firing on these people created. What might have happened if the protesters had been allowed to make their point to the politicians, rather than having to run for their lives from the cops?


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