F--- Free Speech
Shasta Bates disagrees with President Bush. She's so upset she reportedly has a bumper sticker her truck which says
Fuck Bush. When a man flagged down a local policeman, Sgt. Michael Karasek, and showed him the bumper sticker,
the officer demanded the anti-Bush bumper sticker be removed or he would throw Ms. Bates into jail. He repeatedly made the threats even though City Attorney Cole Finnegan, when contacted later, said he didn't believe there were
any city ordinances against such a sticker. The U.S. Supreme Court decided decades ago that such language was permissable, particularly when expressing a political viewpoint. Denver police have initiated an investigation into the threats against Ms. Bates.
UAV Crashes Near Children's Park in India
An Unmanned Airborne Vehicle
crashed onto the premises of Kid's World Foundation in Eastern India. No children were hurt, but the military aircraft was severely damaged. Some of the children reportedly took photos of the crashed vehicle, but Army troops confiscated the film.
Other reports say that local police and press were kept from the site until the damaged plane was removed.
Abu Ghraib: Just Like Cheerleading
One of the lawyers defending Charles Graner, accused of
abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib
said this as part of his defense:
"Don't cheerleaders all over America form pyramids six to eight times a year. Is that torture?" These photos show what he is comparing to cheerleading.
Before and After
Amoung the most dramatic images I've seen since the earthquake and tsunami hit Southeast Asia are these
before and
after images of a Banda Aceh shoreline.
Frist: Get Me Some Devastation!
Senate Majority Leader
Bill Frist, a medical doctor, tied up two of the five U.S. Military helicopters available to aid tsunami-stricken southern Sri Lanka,
so he could tour the area.
"Get some devastation in the back" Frist reportedly told a photographer snapping pictures of the Senator and members of his staff just before they left the scene. A number of homeless men at the site complained
"that the local Red Cross had only set up their clinic, complete with flags and banners, a few hours before the U.S. senators visited".